SkateChurch SLC

As some of you may know, Josh Jost, our Salt Lake City member of the Hidden fam, has started a SkateChurch ministry out there and God has been doing some sweet stuff with it. Here is a little writeup from Josh about it. 

SkateChurch is going awesome! For the past 7 months we have been meeting on the first Tuesday of every month at an indoor skate park called We Are One. God has really been at work within these last two months especially. We had one kid, Hunter Callanan, get baptized a few weeks ago and another kid Dakota Gaorte is getting baptized within the next month. I wanna also give a shout out to three guys that have really made this possible. David Askvig, Jared Mclure, and Rob Dean have been a big help with it all.
 -Josh Jost